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Mindfulness in
Mindfulness in
"When I'm hungry, I eat what I love.
When I'm bored, I do something I love. When I'm lonely, I connect with someone I love. When I feel sad, I remember that I am loved."
- Michelle May
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to what you are feeling in the moment, without connotation or judgment. As the world moves seemingly faster, it is more important than ever to build a strong bond with ourselves and the people around us. We came up with the things mindful families do differently to help inspire you and those around you. These include embracing imperfections, listening patiently, effective communication, the practice of appreciation, gratitude, generosity and being forgiving of one another.

This video shows two children growing up in different environments. The first girl grew up in a loving family where her mother always comforts and gives her advice when she encounters problems. On the other hand, the second child grew up in a wealthy family. Although she was able to get whatever she requested, she was still unhappy as her parents were too busy with work and did not have the time to bond with her.
This video involves two girls who are scrolling through social media. They compare themselves with others. The first girl was ignored by her boyfriend while she was feeling bad. Due to that, she felt worse about herself. Conversely, the second girl’s boyfriend concerns about her and ensure that she feels good about herself.
Shi Han has a boyfriend, Jun Xing who is a “mummy’s boy”. He always sides with his mother and never has his own opinion. This situation makes Shi Han struggles in the relationship and even have the thought of breaking up with him. The other couple, Chloe and Adam have a healthy relationship. Whenever Chloe starts comparing their relationship with others, Adam will stop her from doing so as they should be more focused on the good side of their relationship.
Natalie was upset as she has been boycotted by her schoolmates. She told two friends about the incident and got different reactions from them. Chloe was busy scrolling her phone and did not pay attention to her while Shi Han listens attentively and comforts her while she is telling her problems.
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