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Mindfulness in
Mindfulness in
Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have

Our team strives to raise awareness for people about one’s well-being. Nowadays with the rising number of people having mental illnesses, people will rarely stop in their way to listen to a person talk as they are busy with their own stuff or just simply do not bother to care for the others, and this issue happens a lot in the society whether it is in a family or school. So, we want to spread information about how to care for yourself or others’ well-being and how it escalates to more serious consequences if mindfulness is ignored in our society.
Second a day

Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in thinking, emotion or behaviour, and most of the time it goes unnoticed up until for years as people are not mindful or aware the habits of the people around them. So, it is important for us to learn about the developing symptoms or early warning signs and taking action to help those that are in need of support. Early intervention can help reduce the severity of an illness. It may even be possible to delay or prevent a major mental illness altogether. So based on our research, these are the common habits that change their well-being, such as Inability to cope with daily problems or stress, lose interest in what they used to enjoyed doing, having strange eating or sleeping habits, withdrawal from friends and activities.
As we all know, emotions and feelings are central to our life, it can heavily influence a person’s thoughts and perspective in certain things until it affects their daily life. This might have caused traumatic experiences where it will lead our emotional life to become disordered. By disordered, we meant showing signs of feeling down all the time, extreme mood changes of highs and lows, excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt. So, it is crucial that we are mindful and supportive of people’s emotion as this stage is the key to help them either feel better or worse. So, we suggest everyone practice mindfulness by taking time to listen to others when they want to talk and understand the state that they are in, even if you feel it is a small matter to you it might not be for them.


When emotions are not managed well, it will quickly be escalated to a stage where it will start to affect one’s physical health. Studies have identified that emotional valence and one’s physical condition have a very close relationship between that can influence one another. Accordingly, chronic pain is associated with mental disorders, and negative emotions are known to influence the development of cardiovascular diseases. People might be aware of the physical issues that one is facing, but rarely they believe it may be connected to what they are going through emotionally. So instead of blaming them or disregard the facts, try to support them by talking to them or understand their situation better so that it can ease some of their burdens and who knows it may help to lessen the physical illnesses.
Mental illnesses will always drag people down into a black hole of hopelessness where they start to imagine or think of dark thoughts. In this stage, bigger signs will start to show up such as hearing voices in one’s head, suicidal thoughts, illogical thinking, trouble understanding and relating to situations or people. It may not be obvious, but it can be identified and still have the time to help them if we just are a little more mindful of the sufferer. So, we urge everyone to show love and support to one another so every individual can feel that someone does care for them and that they matter to the world.

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